Medical Services

At DPVN we understand that the health and safety of our students are paramount. Our comprehensive first aid services are designed to ensure that every child feels secure and cared for during their time at school. Here’s what makes our first aid services stand out:

1. Fully Equipped First Aid Room

Our school features a dedicated first aid room that is stocked with essential medical supplies, including bandages, antiseptics, cold packs, and over-the-counter medications. The room is designed to provide a safe and calming environment for students in need of medical attention.

2. Trained Medical Personnel

We employ a qualified school nurse and trained first aid responders who are available on-site during school hours. Our medical staff undergoes regular training in first aid, CPR, and emergency response protocols to ensure they are prepared for any situation. This professional expertise guarantees that students receive prompt and effective care.

3. Emergency Preparedness Plans

At DPVN we understand that the health and safety of our students are paramount. Our comprehensive first aid services are designed to ensure that every child feels secure and cared for during their time at school. Here’s what makes our first aid services stand out