A Smarter Approach with AI and Robotics at DPVN CBSE

         — Mrs. Ashu Rana, Principal, DPVN

One of the most important aspects of a quality education is its ability to prepare learners of today to cope up with the world of tomorrow and thrive in the changed environment of future. It is the need of the hour that the digital natives of today be equipped with futuristic skills, leveraging both hard and soft skills, so that they are empowered to the meet the growing demands of future workplaces.

The integrated STEAM-based approach implements project-based learning across all five disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.

It encourages learners to engage multiple intelligences, to adopt logical and analytical thinking while displaying their skills of illustrating, animation, and model-building.

It goes without saying that in the upcoming days, there is going to be a huge requirement for professionals trained and specialised in the two most popular areas of STEAM – Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Therefore, as Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are regarded as the main technology drivers behind shaping the future of humanity, the curricula, today, must take the initiative to orient the learners in these areas.

Under the Experiential Learning Program of DPVN CBSE, Belapur, the cutting-edge DPVN STEAM Lab equipped with A.I. and Robotics has been specifically set up to nurture the spirit of curiosity, creativity and innovation in our budding innovators challenging them to think out of the box and spark their ingenuity. The lab aims to provide the budding innovators and creators of DPVN with an immersive learning experience and prepare them for an enriching educational journey and successful career ahead. One of the key objectives of the DPVN STEAM lab is to create connections between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications. The hands-on learning experience not only enhances their technical skills but also nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. By combining the principles of various disciplines, learners develop a well-rounded understanding of how these fields intersect and complement each other.

With the progressive step of STEAM A.I. and Robotics Lab, DPVN CBSE, Belapur, is preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. The fun and engaging activities involved in STEAM-based sessions trigger their interest to create something new and innovative, and offers them a platform to hone technical skills, analytical skills, logical thinking and artistic acumen. Training in Robotics and A.I. also foster the development of the 21st century skills like collaboration and teamwork.

The DPVN STEAM Lab is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and resources for promoting interdisciplinary learning and equip learners of all grades, right from Grade 1 to Grade 12, with practical skills required in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. It provides the fundamental infrastructure equipped with curriculum resources, hardware, software, teaching platform, and everything needed to carry out AI education under the supervision of the specialised AI and Robotics instructors.

Such major modifications in the DPVN CBSE curriculum have been incorporated keeping in view the scope of work that will be available to our learners in future which is undoubtedly vast and exciting. We can look forward to roles like AI & Robotics Engineer, Electromechanical & Robotics Technician, Researcher, Machine Learning Scientist, Designer and Autonomous Systems Specialist.

The future professionals will have the chance to work on cutting-edge projects, from developing intelligent systems to designing robots for sustainable infrastructure. With the field constantly evolving, today’s learners will need to stay curious and adaptable, but the rewards will be immense, with opportunities to revolutionize industries and improve lives. As AI and Robotics continue to advance, the possibilities for our learners in this field will be endless, and they will be at the forefront of shaping the future of technology.

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September 2024